It's not pretty, but unfortunately this is what we have come to expect from LANS, LLC.
Unattributed peafowl.
Yes, LANS has sunk that low. Our investigators have discovered that the bird in question featured in the June 15 edition of the LANL NewsBulletin belongs to none other than Doug Roberts, creator of the original LANL, The Real Story blog. Roberts is now living in Nambe, New Mexico.
When contacted by reporters this weekend to verify whether the hen in question was actually one of his birds, Roberts said, "Why, yes! That's Priscilla!

So there you have it: another gross violation regarding the dissemination of electronic media by LANL. However, both the good Doctor and I were impressed by the graciousness with which Roberts forgave Dr. Anastasio for this latest in what has been a veritable series of missteps regarding the handling of sensitive electronic media by the crack management team of LANS, LLC.
--General Buck Turgidson
Bucky -
Ah... the LANL Paparazzi have struck again!
Sitting next to the pool, overlooking the harbor on a Sunny, SoCal Father's Day, We were amazed that our timing was so perfect as to catch this post just as it went up!
Yes, We are impressed with Doug's forbearance regarding LANL's latest error in judgement and adherence to procedure in publishing such a photograph without getting signed releases in triplicate from the model (Priscilla) and her agent (Doug Roberts).
We also wonder how many ADC's and staff in S-7 reviewed this photograph and text to make sure it did not include any "super-sensitive" information.
- Doc
Doug was so forgiving of this "human error" that we'd like to see him nominated to be the next Secretary of Energy.
General -
I think the last poster just called Priscilla retarded. Boy is Doug gonna be pissed!
- Darko
Standards? We don't have no stinkin' standards!
Darko's right,
I sure hope Doug isn't listening... he's gonna have to defend Priscilla's honor for that one!
Bucky -
Do you want to flip for the honor of being Doug's second? Peafowl excrement at 20 paces is my guess.
- Doc
No, actually I am pretty sure the bird has more sense.
Neither Priscilla nor I will dignify the retarded comment with a response, will we, Priscilla?
Good girl!
Now, go peck his eyes out!
Good girl!
More like "Gone Dead"
Gone Missing?
Must have "something better to do", eh Strangey?
Bet so... I do (usually)!
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