Looks like the Blogs are popping up faster than Steven Bechtel, Pete Nanos, and maybe even Michael Anastasio can whack them down!
The Good Doctor(?!!#$%@)
just discovered a new Blog by a young chap calling himself Calvin, apparently inspired by Our own recent use of the Calvin Peeing image.
And another called What Would Oppy Do? by the Ghost of Oppenheimer hisself!
Sure enough, Calvin just contacted Us (and Pinky and the Brain) for a cross-posting! It's only a matter of time before Oppy checks in!
I am a PostDoc at LANL who has stuck it out through the shutdown (as a GRA) and changeover and want to see things turn around so I have a place to stay. Your blogs are good but you don't seem to get much input from younger people like me... it is mostly old-schoolers. I want to give a forum to my own peers... I hope you will link to my blog. Doc's image of Calvin pissing inspired my identity.
Check it out at: http://boyamipissed.blogspot
And another!